Migration of Handisoft

2019-03-21 00:57



Migrating HandiSoft programs to a new server

This article sets out some important points to note when migrating HandiSoft programs to a new server.

Before migrating HandiSoft to a new server

  • Make a suitable working backup copy of the current HSoft Folder.

    Note: SQL version requires the HandiSoft SQL database to be backed up as well. 

  • Make a note of the current location of Document Manager. 
    In Practice Manager, from the Options menu, click Document Manager and check the location of Docbase folder 

During Migration

1.    Copy HSoft folder across to the new location. For example c:HSoft.

2.    For the SQL version only, ensure that Hssql.ini file in the HSoft / Apps folder points to the new server and has the correct SA password.

3.    From the Sage HandiSoft website:Updates run the most recent Full Version followed by the upgrades to the new location.

 After Migration

1.    Change prefill path in HandiTax: 

In HandiTax, from the Options menu, click Tax Form Options, and under the Prefill Report section Delete the pre-existing path, and replace it with the new one. Leave blank for Default settings. Click Ok.


Note: This setting is user and program specific and will need to be applied to all active users in the current and all the prior year versions of HandiTax.

2.    (SQL Version Only) In HandiRegister, from the Options menu, click EDGE Setup, click EDGE Details. Adjust the EDGE Folder path at the top to point to the correct and existing path.

 3.    (SQL Version Only) In HandiTax, from the Options menu, click ELS Communications. Adjust the ELS Folder path at the bottom to point to the correct and existing path.


4.    Ensure the HandiSoft shortcuts icons on all workstation are redirected to the new server.

5.    Ensure that the HSoft folder is not being "real time" scanned by the antivirus (add to exclusion option).

6.    Check the correct NTFS and Share permissions are given to all users to access the HSoft folder.

7.    (SQL Version Only) Rename the HsoftAppsHsSql.ini file. Next Startup will configure HandiSoft again. (Will need SA password)

8.    Check that the location of the Docbase folder is valid (refer to the section: Before migrating to a new server, above). 

In Practice Manager, from the Options menu, click Document Manager and check the location of Docbase folder.

9.    If "Use Default Location" is selected - no changes are needed. However, if "Other location" was selected then, ensure it is the correct location for your current docbase folder.  


10.  Check all users have access to the document templates created in Document Manager. 

11.  Please refer to the following Microsoft support knowledge base article if your Word templates are slow to open after migration: While the article refers specifically to Word 2002 and / or Word 2003, it is applicable to all versions of Microsoft Word.


12. If using the HandiConnect Service refer to the article on how to start the service here

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